Friday, June 18, 2010

New Zealand has the world's highest access to telecommunications per capita, with the cost of accessing the Internet being almost as low as it is in the United States. Research shows that New Zealanders are usually quick to embrace new technology. New Zealanders have been buying computers, signing up to Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and going online at an internationally impressive rate.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Strategy for Schools, 2002-2004 has been developed in consultation with schools, researchers, tertiary education providers, businesses, and others. It builds upon the achievements of the 1998 strategy (Interactive Education: An Information and Communication Technologies Strategy for Schools) and the lessons learnt from it. The ICT strategy recognises that to focus on technical skills alone is to limit the vision of ICT in education. Rather, the focus must be on extending and deepening educational experiences (and on sharing those experiences) to work towards further developing an innovative and thriving society. AUSTRALIA General ICT policy elementsAn ICT policy in education cannot be formulated without addressing the degree of development of a country's ICT infrastructure and its overall ICT policy first. Schools will find it hard to connect to the Internet or train teachers online if the country's telecommunication infrastructure is underdeveloped and information systems and services are inadequate..1. Development of ICT infrastructure
Infrastructure development
Interoperation of information systems
Enhancement of public services
Cost savings in service delivery, purchasing, communication, etc.
Electronic commerce and secure transactions
Development of technological standards
2. Development of skills
Research and development
ICT education and training
3. Development of legislation and policies to correspond to the requirements of new ICT
Diffusion of information technology
Development of ICT industries
Trade policies for ICT-related goods and services
Pricing and taxation of electronic services
Protection of intellectual property
Privacy of personal data
Protection of cultural and linguistic diversity
Protection against illegal and harmful content
Adoption of standards
4. Institutional development and coordination
Institutional and regulatory structures
National ICT development coordination
International interface and cooperation
5. Access to ICT
Access to infrastructure
Access to information
6. Monitoring ICT
Monitoring the use of ICT
Measurement of the impact of ICT
Malaysia is, in many ways, an atypical country. It is hard to categorize and neither developed nor developing, or both, depending on the region. It is characterized by great disparities within the country and faces the dilemma of ensuring its regional and global competitiveness in ICT while at the same time ensuring equitable ICT access in rural areas. Thus there are projects such as the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC), a government-driven initiative to develop a Malaysian Silicon Valley, as well as the Internet Desa, a program to install Internet centers in rural areas.

The "ICT in Education" policies of countries in the Asia-Pacific region vary greatly. While some have not yet formulated any specific visions or plans, others are at an advanced stage of ICT integration, that is, they are focusing on the meaningful integration of ICT (including radio, television and DVD) into teaching and learning processes.

HONGKONG The Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS) believes the role of information and communications technology (ICT), and ICT-based initiatives should be given more prominence.

According to Sunny Lee, president of HKCS, ICT is an enabling technology, and its innovation is essential to the successful development of new knowledge-based industries.

The HKCS recently organised a forum to encourage the ICT industry to identify and provide ICT applications/services to support key new industries as promulgated in the HK government economic policy. PHILIPPINES
ICT Philippines is the newest savvy job hub for Information Communications and Technology virtuosos. The site functions as a marketing talent pool for the ICT professionals, and the companies that seek to employ them. The object is to assist the clients with the resources to hire the most qualified Information Communications and technology, and to provide these professionals with the best opportunities in their respective fields. Being in the IT Industry, we are exposed to the constant change in the needs of companies and recruiters in the industry. Our field of specialty and exposure to the highly-skilled IT professionals enable us to reach hard to find and exceptional experienced candidates and companies
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ICT Philippines has created this statement in order to demonstrate our commitment to privacy. This declaration discloses information gathering, dissemination, and privacy protection practices utilized by ICT Philippines.

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